Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm So In LOVE...........

Averi is 2 months old today!!! I can't believe how complete our little family feels with her in it!! She is so sweet and beautiful. I'm thankful every day that she came to our family. She has such a happy, content, little personality. She is very alert and loves to really scope out everything in her view. She gets a lot of love from her brothers. Dax loves to kiss and hug her ALL DAY. Sometimes I need to watch that he doesn't wake her up with so much kissing :) Beau likes to kiss her and hug her, but he doesn't really think of it on his own. Anytime he is asked though, he happily complies. He does have moments when he walks by her, notices her, and says "Averi is pretty." or "I love you Baby Sister." We are very blessed to have this little girl in our lives!! It's amazing that our Heavenly Father loves us so much that he gives us these wonderful children to have in our lives.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

PRINCESS..... Daughter of a Heavenly King

Today was Averi's blessing day!! She looked so beautiful and was such a good girl through her whole blessing. Jason did such a good job and there was such an amazing spirit there!! It is such a great milestone in a child's life, as well as in her parents' lives. We had family there to see our little girl and we appreciate them so much. Unfortunately the flu hit our home and everyone but Jason got it. Beau was home throwing up all day on Sunday. Isn't it always something though?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Averi Amanda Brower

Our new little addition came to us Monday, August 17th @ 8:09am. She weighed 8 lbs and was 20 inches long. She is a very sweet, easy going little baby!!! I am thrilled!!!! At only 4 days old she has already blessed our lives! We are so thankful to have her here with us in our family. She is so beautiful and very special to us!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I haven't been good at all with updating my blog. It's been stuck on Halloween for almost 3 months. I didn't think it was a big deal because I hadn't really told anyone about it. Then one day I thought I would get on to take a look at it and realized it had been looked at 160 TIMES!!!! How embarrassing!!! I thought about deleting the blog altogether, but figured since it had been visited so many times, I better share more photos.!!!!! So sorry to whomever has been looking and being disappointed.
Also, BABY #3 IS ON IT'S WAY!!!!! We are expecting him/her in August. That was Jason's big surprise Christmas present!!! I kept it from everyone for 2 wks before Christmas so I could surprise Jason with a wrapped onesie in his stocking!!! He was really excited!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Dax's 2nd Birthday

What a BIG BOY!!!! Dax is 2 years old!! He had a great Mickey Mouse birthday party with all of his Grandpas, Grandmas, Uncles, Aunts, and Cousins!! AND HIS GREAT BIG BROTHER TOO!!! We had pizza for dinner-Dax's favorite, and a Micky Mouse cake! Dax got lots of fun toys! His favorite was Elmo Live from Mommy and Daddy!!