Monday, December 29, 2008

Our Future Pro Basketball Players

Jason's Marsh Valley Basketball Team played West Side in the Energy Solutions Center. They played a really good game and came out with the win. Beau and Dax had a great time at the game. We also stayed for the Jazz vs. 76ers that night and had a fun time time with our families.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


We had a great Christmas this year with lots of fun family parties!!! Santa was very good to Beau and Dax this year. They got alot of fun toys to play with. Their favorites: The Fisher Price Castle and Batcave from Santa.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Cookies!!

The boys had a great time making and decorating cookies with me this year!! They loved the icing, and really loved the sprinkles. They spent most of the time sucking on the sprinkles cans. Needless to say, the cans were all clogged up, and had to be cleaned out. (Don't worry, we didn't give out any of these cookies- Only to Santa- and he was none the wiser!)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Day of Sledding

We took the boys sledding with Uncle Brian and Uncle Jared! Beau had a great time!!! He couldn't get enough of it. He even went down the hill by himself and loved it!! Dax, on the other had wasn't so thrilled with the whole idea of sledding. He didn't like going down the hill, or coming back up, for that matter. He ended up being Beau's audience, and he was great at that!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Beau & Dax went as Dr. Suess's characters Thing 1 and Thing 2 this year!! They had alot of fun trick or treating at our church's trunk or treat, and in Old Town Pocatello at all the businesses.

They had a lot of fun saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You" to everyone. If it took too long to get to the next car or business, they also said, "MORE CANDY"!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our Family

What wonderful little boys we have!!!!! The boys looked so cute! We decided to get their pictures taken outside. The boys were so preoccupied by all of the weeds, the grass, and the rocks, that they wouldn't sit still for any shots. Dax decided to keep a frown on his face for the first 20 minutes. Despite my crazy little boys, the photographer managed to get some adorable pictures.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Beau Starts Preschool

This day was such a big milestone for Beau, and Mommy:) He looked like such a big boy with his new haircut!! He loved his backpack and did not want to take it off. I dropped him off at school and he was so excited. He was the first student to arrive and he seemed quite at ease. He went and took a seat at the table and, acting so cool, said "Bye, bye Mommy"! I barely made it out of his classroom before I burst into tears. What a BIG BOY!!! I was so proud of him.
He had a great first day. He came home on the bus, and was so excited to see me waiting outside for him. His eyes lit up and he was smiling so big. He told the bus driver, "That's my mommy!", as she was unbuckling his seatbelt. The minute he came in the door, he took off all of his clothes, and sighed a BIG sigh, like he had had such a long day.