Friday, October 31, 2008


Beau & Dax went as Dr. Suess's characters Thing 1 and Thing 2 this year!! They had alot of fun trick or treating at our church's trunk or treat, and in Old Town Pocatello at all the businesses.

They had a lot of fun saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You" to everyone. If it took too long to get to the next car or business, they also said, "MORE CANDY"!!


summergibbs said...

Haha! I am a blog stalker! I found you through Chelsey...hope you don't mind. Your boys are so cute! How is everything going for you guys? You need some pictures of yourself on here!

The Ricks Clan said...

Cute costumes Mandy. You are so clever. What cute little guys. See you at the christmas party

Tate and Sari Hansen said...

Alright...I love that you have a blog...but you need to update! Hope things are going good for you guys. Your boys are adorable. If you want to view our blog...send me an email.